PSYDEH Publishes 2019 Annual Report

Our reorganization some five years ago yielded many successes in 2019. Then, we set out to model a new paradigm for how local nonprofits can sustain their work while innovating a process-oriented prototype for empowering community-led change. This annual report, PSYDEH’s most detailed and visually polished yet, celebrates many of these advances, a bit of evidence of our becoming this paradigm-changing actor.
Special thanks to Monica Burba, 2019 report designer and USA strategic communications consultant, and to Roisin McAuley, 2019 report producer and UK strategic communications consultant. We also thank Diogo Heber, our long-time Brazilian resident professional photographer, for his outstanding pictorial contributions. All photographs are by Diogo with the exception of pp. 6 (BTM), 14 (BTM), 15, 20, 23 (MID, BTM), 24, 28, 33 and 35. Without Monica’s, Roisin’s, and Diogo’s creative input, top-notch work and leadership, this report could not exist.