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Language is the Heart of Culture: PSYDEH headlines a unique national event in Mexico City

PSYDEH is thrilled to be the celebrated Mexican NGO at the January 27 Mexico City-based film-experience at La Cineteca Nacional produced by the innovative Colectivo Cine Social, with support from the Secretaria de Cultura.

Having met the Colectivo’s criteria for Mexican NGOs worthy of celebration, we will:

PSYDEH-Non-Profit-NGO-for-Women-in-Mexico-Posts-v070-compressor*Present an information table on our work;

*Project our newest promotional video before the special screening of the new, highly-acclaimed film by director Ernesto Contreras: “Sueño en otro idioma” (Dream in another language);

*Use the national platform to link women leaders with national and foreign actors in the second edition of our using the “human library” concept as social capital builder;

*Continue our tradition of using national public relations events as platforms for the women leaders working as entrepreneurs meeting global demand for their artisan work;

*Present our photo exhibition “Del Otro Lado.”

To make the most of this unique opportunity, PSYDEH leveraged a “Fruits of Change” projectPSYDEH-Non-Profit-NGO-for-Women-in-Mexico-Posts-v071-compressor funded work session for the leaders of the women’s Network of new NGOs into training on (1) basic principles on public speaking, (2) how to share information in personal interactions with strangers, (3) why film and the event is an important bridge for linking rural indigenous cultures with those in Mexico City and abroad and (4) informing the Colectivo on the questions the leaders believe are most important for the human library.

We also dicussed the importance of the film and event for connecting rural indigenous cultures to mexico city and international citizens.

We finished our work session by creating video content we used to co-produce with the Colectivo this promotional video capturing the essence of the event entitled, “my language is my culture”

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