
New Article on Resource Stream Diversification

GlobalGiving logoUSA-based GlobalGiving invited PSYDEH to write this Spanish-language article “Seven Ways to Diversify Your Organization’s Funding” in their LEARN series and is now promoting it to their Latin American partners.

 Have you ever wondered how to build strong alliances or improve your fundraising?The piece, authored by PSYDEH Senior Advisor, Damon Taylor, explains why our resource raising strategy put in place in 2015 is more important than ever.  As Damon explains,

“Like many other nonprofit organizations in Mexico, we suffer from a complicated public funding climate. Our small network of donors is completely depleted and we have not yet been able to secure stable funding sources that will ensure the continuity of all our programs and people over the long term. However, we see these obstacles as opportunities to become more resilient. We have managed to diversify our resource streams through [seven interrelated] strategies.”

GG’s LEARN series is centered around the idea that successful nonprofits “Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat.”


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