Indigenous Women Celebrate 2015 Progress and Prepare for 2016
On November 30, 2015, 225+ indigenous citizens and friends from Mexico City, Russia and the United States converged in the local government building of Acaxochitlán, Hidalgo for the 2nd Annual Regional Forum of Indigenous Women Leaders of the Otomí-Tepehua Region.
There, and with support from the Mexican federal Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (INMUJERES) among others, PSYDEH facilitated a day of work and celebration where the women:
- finalized a rights-based actionable development agenda and thus completing 1.5 years of work around seven development themes;
- publicly charged the new president of the regional indigenous organization to pursue projects, propose development solutions and coordinate the women’s network;
- publicly charged each president of the four new local organizations to pursue projects, propose development solutions and coordinate with the movement in 2016.
- publicly charged the leaders of the new regional cooperative of women artisans to supply global demand for organic and artisanal goods;
- invited their men to recommend project priorities for improving gender relationships and equity in the Region (now captured in the Gender Equity chapter of their Agenda);
- listened to a Russian-born international women leader consultant on how women are the backbone of societal progress worldwide;
- listened to local government leaders on the importance of rights-based women movement building;
- shared a new collection of interviews with various regional board leaders in Spanish, Otomí and Nahuatl on regional development needs and why PSYDEH;
- showcased the organic and artisanal products produced in the four municipalities;
- celebrated cultural traditions with two dance performances from Acaxochitlán and Huehuetla.
See below more images from the 2nd Annual Regional Meeting.