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Collaboration with Gender Equality Pilot Project with Climate Change Mitigation Technology

The Indigenous Women Citizen Network collaborates with Red de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil Hidalgo 84 (REDOSC) on a 2015 pilot project in San Gregorio, a mountain community in the municipality of Huehuetla.

An organization leader (pictured here) links families in need with a (1) training program on the value of green technology and the delivery of (2) Rainwater Capture Systems and (3) Clean Burning Stoves.

PSYDEH-Non-Profit-NGO-for-Women-in-Mexico-Post-1365-v001-compressorThe project is funded by the national INDESOL and managed by REDOSC.

With anticipated success, this collaboration envisions women leaders helping to scale training and distribution of clean water capture systems and clean stoves throughout the Region. This will

More generally, in light of this collaboration and that of women leaders work on a project correcting government data, we foresee increased collaboration between economic and political rights-based democracy and civil society building initiatives. The Network and PSYDEH will drive this collaboration with projects executed in all areas discussed in the Regional Development Agenda, e.g., health, education, gender equality, and justice.


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